(logo)  GUI settings: Keys

Changing the user defined keys

The list contains the keys (or key combinations), and actions for these keys.

Select the key you want to modify from the listview. Note that some keys or key combinations might already be defined as commodity hotkey. Although you can configure a command for these keys, you cannot use these keys from within AWeb as long as that commodity is running.

To remove a key, just erase the command for it.


In this field, you can type the Arexx command that should be executed when you press the key or key combination.

In the command string, you can use the following parameter specifiers:
%u URL currently displayed in the browser window.
%n screen name that AWeb is running on.
%i ID of frame that has focus.
%t title of the document, as shown in the window title bar.
%c configuration name.

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